Smart Moves from Chiropractors To You
September 1, 2018

Src: – The tendon is a fibrous tissue that attaches each end of the muscle to the bone. It allows transmitting the movement produced by the contraction of the muscle to the joint.
Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon or superficial layer that covers the tendon. Tendinitis is due to tendon microductures.
- The main causes of tendinitis:
- Sudden contraction of the muscle
- Bad work ergonomics
- Overuse of muscle (eg overtraining)
- Bad biomechanics of the adjacent joint
Bad preparation or technique in a sport or activity
Tendinitis is manifested by pain and decreased range of motion of the affected joint. The pain increases with the contraction of the muscle and with the active movement of the joint. In this a chiropractor can help a lot.
The most common tendonitis is:
- Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow): Painful point at the lateral part of the elbow. The pain is increased by taking objects and extending the wrist.
- Biceps tendinitis: Pain in the anterior and upper part of the shoulder. It results from the inflammation of the superficial layer that covers the tendon of the biceps.
- Tendinitis of the rotator cuff: Pain located at the upper and outer part of the shoulder.
- Frozen shoulder: Very important pain accompanied by a significant and gradual decrease of the movements of the shoulder.
The chiropractic approach
With the training of a chiropractor, they are able to accurately diagnose if you have bursitis or tendonitis. They are able to define whether your pain is a case that can be improved by a chiropractic care program or if you need to be referred to another health professional.
Through various techniques of manual therapies, the chiropractic approach will aim to reduce pain and restore mobility to the affected joint. By addressing the problem of bursitis or tendinitis with global approaches, the chiropractors make sure to lessen pains, restore biomechanics of areas and prevent recurrence of painful stages.
Systematic anamnesis
A thorough anamnesis is the prerequisite for any treatment. In addition to the usual investigative methods (orthopedic, rheumatological, neurological) chiropractic also implements specific investigation processes, such as static and dynamic palpation of the musculoskeletal system, among others. Various tips, including posture and exercise, are part of the treatment.
Like all therapeutics, chiropractic knows its limits, and their teaching is an integral part of clinical training (contraindications to chiropractic treatment).
Set of means
The therapeutic arsenal of modern chiropractors, however, is not limited to manipulation. Indications are they implement various methods of treatment muscle and reflex of joint mobilization, cranial massage and physiotherapy measures (controlled extension, ultrasound, electrotherapy, cryotherapy). Also included in the daily practice of chiropractors is the prescription of orthopedic aids, bandages, gymnastic exercises, dietary and ergonomic counseling, and in part the use of acupuncture and acupressure. If necessary, they also prescribe supplements for medical or dietary treatment (analgesic, anti-inflammatory).
Chiropractors generally have their own x-ray facility. They can also entrust to external providers the radiological or laboratory investigations needed to establish their diagnosis.